It is fitting I end my travels up north in Dawson Creek. It has that same small-town BC feel here as it does in my home town Campbell River. The people are respectful and hard-working, and although it has not been the busiest of all my stops, I know I will find a way in my future to make it back here. I have learned many things in the past 7 weeks. For one thing, 7 weeks is a long long time to be on the road away from my husband, friends and family. It doesn't change my direction as I love what I am doing, but perhaps I may shorten the trips a little! I have learned that women all over this province are doing amazing things despite the fact that they are most often working in a man's world. I do not mean that as disrespecful, only the truth. It brings on unique challenges for these brave women. I have worked for the past decade on many male-dominated work sites and know hands-on it can be tough. But persevere ladies, it is a great feeling of accomplishment and pride, not to mention often better pay, to pull it off and make it work. I would not be able to run my own trucking business now without all those experiences. I also learned that my rig is not quite "minus 10" proof and will need to do some more insulating. Pretty chilly in here at night sometimes. But most of all, throughout the past year, I have learned I am doing what I am meant to be doing, and that this business I have created has value as your comments, encouragement and enthusiasm for what I am doing show me. Thank you so much, I look so forward to seeing you all again and hearing what pathways life has taken you. Audrey