A FANTASTIC TIME HAD AT THE BULKLEY VALLEY EXHIBITION | She works she plays | Wear for the Active West Coast Woman
audrey@sheworkssheplays.ca Phone: 250.203.8955


Sunday, August 30, 2015

It has been 5 weeks since I pulled out of the driveway on York Road, Campbell River.  Five communities: Kitimat, Prince Rupert, Prince George, Terrace and finally now Smithers.  As I start the process of securing everything down in the truck, I can't help reflect back on this amazing tour of north-western BC.

I am so proud to have met so many amazing women doing such a variety of work.  My two favourites are two girls still in high school but completely already dedicated to being in trades.  A girl from Kitimat who is doing carpentry for her final year of high school and who is spending her summer working the labour intense job of finishing concrete.  Now that's my kind of girl.  For those of you who don't know me, I spent almost 8 years in concrete trucks and I alway felt compassion for the hard workers dealing with the concrete I poured out of my truck.  The second, a girl from Terrace, all lined up for the mechanics program in January.  She has spent the last few years monkey-wrenching motor bikes.  Awesome!!!!

So many women doing so many things.  Geologists, engineers, surveyors, archeologists, framers, pipe fitters, port workers, city workers, long shorewomen, welders, loggers, heavy equipment operators, plumbers, chip truck drivers, welders, electricians, every type of carpentry work, farmers, manufacturers and several women just running their own businesses being creative doing a bit of everthing (handywomen!). I loved hearing your stories and for those of you struggling, NEVER GIVE UP WHAT YOU WANT TO DO.  See you next year!

The photos are the last 24 hours here at the exhibition.