
BC Hydro and BC Chamber of Commerce are hosting Business-to-Business Networking Sessions in northern BC communites. Do you run your own business? Remember there will be a wide variety of work involved with the project creating thousands of jobs.
It is fitting I end my travels up north in Dawson Creek. It has that same small-town BC feel here as it does in my home town Campbell River. The people are respectful and hard-working, and although it has not been the busiest of all my stops, I know I will find a way in my future to make it bac
Hey ladies, I have added Fox Creek to my calendar, which means I will be in Dawson Creek a week later. Fox Creek October 27 to November 1. Dawson Creek November 3 to Nomber 7.

My year has been so crazy. The idea of this business came to me while delivering shotcrete in the concete truck I used to drive to our local mine. My ongoing wrist injury had me searching for a new pathway in life. Wow, and now to be receving an award, I am overwhelmed.

The BC Chamber of Commerce and BC Hydro are hosting job fairs and business-to-business networking sessions in the Peace region next week. Tumbler Ridge October 5th, Chetwynd October 6th and Fort St. John October 7th.

It has been a couple busy weeks getting ready. The chains are fitted and ready to go for my Kenworth, the air conditioner has been replaced with heaters, and the lightweight women's gear has been replaced with lots of fuzzy, warm, insulated gear! Ladies of the Peace region, I am soooo excited t