2023 Schedule Under Construction! | She works she plays | Wear for the Active West Coast Woman
audrey@sheworkssheplays.ca Phone: 250.203.8955

2023 Schedule Under Construction!

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Hello ladies. 2023 promises to be very interesting for She Works She Plays!

I am getting my schedule together but there are some big changes under way for She Works She Plays. As some of you already know, I am relocating my business to a more central BC location this year. Yipee!! Yes, the picture is the area - The Cariboo!!

I am not sure entirely how it is going to play out but I will continue to do all the stops I normally do, and if things come together quickly, I will likely do more! Will just fly by the seat of my Kenworth and keep you all posted.

First trip will be in March, details to follow shortly...
